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6 Common Questions About Child Support in Georgia

July 24, 2024

One of the hardest parts of divorce is dealing with child custody issues. According to statistics from Gitnux, nearly half of American children experience their parents getting divorced. If you live in the state of Georgia and are part of an estranged couple dealing with this issue, you may have some questions about the child support process. Here are common questions a divorce lawyer may receive about child support in Georgia.

1. How Long Will It Take to Establish a Case?

When it comes to establishing your child support case, don't expect it to happen overnight. According to the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Child Support Services has 20 calendar days to establish a case. Be aware that in some cases, courts may also have a backlog, so some counties may take a little longer. However, a good divorce lawyer may be able to speed things up.

2. When Will Payment Come?

It can be frustrating waiting on the first child support payment, as it may not happen immediately. Once the noncustodial parent's employer receives the income deduction order, the first payment will be sent to the Division of Child Support Services four to six weeks later, according to ACF. Therefore, it's important to understand that at least within the first month, you will likely not have child support to rely on and may have to make other adjustments.

3. What if the Noncustodial Parent Doesn’t Pay?

You may understandably be worried about the noncustodial parent not making payment, especially if your estrangement has been acrimonious. The state of Georgia will use as many legal means as possible to get compensation that the noncustodial parent is obligated to pay. The Division of Child Support Services can do automatic wage withholding, driver's and professional license suspension, tax refund, lottery interception, and referral to credit bureaus. If the noncustodial parent fails to meet their obligations, they can be held in contempt of court. In addition, continued failure to avoid paying child support can lead to jail time.

4. Can Unpaid Medical Bills for the Child Be Compensated?

Medical expenses can add up, especially for children. If you've had to pay for all your child's expenses out of your pocket, you have every right to also seek help from a noncustodial parent. The division of child support services will do what it can to help collect unpaid medical bills for the unpaid amount once a judgment has been authorized. Bring a copy of that judgment to your local child support office in Georgia. From there, the Office of Child Support can move forward.

5. How Does a Judge Decide the Child Support Amount?

There is no set number for child support payment. A decision on regular child support payments is based on the number of children involved, the amount of parental income on both ends, and anything related to the best interest of the child. For example, if children have long-standing medical issues, a judge will understand that the children will need additional care that also costs more money. However, if a child is close to turning 18, the amount of child support awarded will only be for a limited time.

6. Is Direct Deposit Available?

Yes, direct deposit is available, as long as you sign up online. However, funds won't be available immediately, as it takes time to process. Therefore, if you've been receiving a paper check or other deposit means, you may still have that method for the current month until direct deposit kicks in. If you prefer to not sign up online, you can do an offline application and include a copy of your check or deposit slip. Take these down to your local child support office to finish the application. However, submitting it online is much faster.

As you can see, there are many things to consider when getting child support. Going through a divorce is hard, but it's often harder on the children. That's why parents need to work together for the betterment of the child when possible. However, if you're a custodial parent fighting for the financial support of your children, you may need a good
divorce lawyer to help you. We specialize in alimony, divorced families, child support, estate planning, and family law. Contact Gentry Law Firm LLC today for a consultation.

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