Beginning the New Year can be more hectic than pleasurable, especially when preparing records for tax season. Many divorce filings also occur at the start of the year. As reported by Insider, the first Monday of January has been unofficially named “Divorce Day” because of the large number of people considering separating at the beginning of the year. Research reportedly shows that the peak time for searching for the term “divorce” on the internet begins on the first back-to-work day of the year.
As noted in Psychology Today, remaining in a marriage with a narcissist can wear down a spouse and the couple’s children. After the holiday season ends, a beleaguered spouse may begin to reevaluate the marriage and think about breaking free of a narcissist’s self-serving manipulations. In addition to lacking empathy and sensitivity, narcissists often exercise control over a relationship through exploitative means and game-playing. This tendency may become more evident during the holiday season.
Unhappy spouses generally do not want to ruin the holidays for their children, relatives, and extended families by initiating a separation. They may decide to wait until the holiday season is over, even if it means enduring visits with problematic in-laws.
Spouses in an unhealthy relationship with someone who displays narcissistic behavior may see that staying together during the holidays results in less stress. While it may appear as though a narcissist has become friendlier during the holidays, it could also be no more than a show for the family.
Delaying any discussion of divorce until after the end of the holidays makes sense for many. While December may have brought some cheer and good times, it does not necessarily indicate that a narcissistic spouse has suddenly changed. A troubled or abusive marriage may not be salvageable. Preparing for the divorce filing after the end-of-year holidays are over could turn out to be the best option. Contact our experienced Marietta family lawyers at The Gentry Law Firm today for assistance.
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